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Board of Directors

ひのきバイリンガル教育振興財団 理事会


Andrew Gillman - Director/President
Since visiting Japan as a teenage “Goodwill Ambassador,” Mr. Gillman has had a strong interest in world languages and culture, and has applied bilingual and bicultural skills throughout his career as a professional translator, interpreter, and entrepreneur.

アンドリュー・ギルマン  理事長 


Corey Williams, J.D. - Director/Vice President
A real-estate developer and a strong believer in cultural diversity and community service, Mr. Williams was introduced to the world of bilingual education when he enrolled his daughters in a groundbreaking Japanese-English immersion program.

コーリー・ウイリアムズ  副理事長


Gabriel Knee - Director/Treasurer
Visiting Japan as a high school exchange student deeply affected the life and career of Mr. Knee. Now, married to a Japanese woman and raising 3 bilingual children, he leverages his Japanese skills at a large international chemical company.

ガフリエル・二ー  役員/財務役 


Anne Hooghart, Ph.D. - Director/Secretary, Educational Research Coordinator (Concurrent)
A career educator as both teacher and administrator, Dr. Hooghart has studied Japanese language and culture for over 30 years, including doctoral research on schools and teacher learning in Japan. She is raising her daughters to be Japanese-English bilingual.

アン・ホガート  理事/秘書 教育研究 (兼務)


Sandra Chang, D.D.S., M.S. - Director/Outreach Coordinator
As a world traveler and member of a family where Chinese, English, and Japanese are regularly spoken, Dr. Chang is deeply committed to multicultural education and hopes to share the value of multilingualism with others.

サンドラ・チャン  理事/広報


Itaru Inoue, M.Ed. - Director
A U.S. resident for over 30 years, Mr. Inoue is currently working at an international secondary school as an educational supporter for foreign students in Ashiya, Japan. Holding an M.A. in Educational Psychology, he promotes bilingualism by supporting children’s activity at Hinoki.

井上格 理事


Daniel Lake, Ed.D. - Director/Testing & Assessment Officer
Dr. Lake developed expertise in student assessment through his career as a Michigan school psychologist, special-education supervisor, and school administrator. He and his wife, a Japanese businesswoman, are committed to raising their children to be bilingual.

ダニエル・レーク  役員/学習評価

Hinoki Foundation Officers

ひのきバイリンガル教育振興財団 役員


Tatsuko Yoneyama - Officer/Bilingual Program Coordinator
A native of central Japan, Ms. Yoneyama has lived and worked in both Japan and the U.S. A true bilingual, she is noted for her skills in library management, information technology, translation & interpretation, and Japanese-American cuisine. 

米山多津子  役員/プログラム・コーディネーター 


Todd Tatar - Officer/Youth Development Coordinator
Mr. Tatar is a former member of the U.S. Navy with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. Working for a global automotive company, he understands the value of bilingualism and promotes the development of multicultural and language skills among children.

トッド・テイター  役員/青少年育成


Johan Cawood - Officer/Summer Outreach Coordinator
Mr. Cawood is a retired US Army soldier and former Marine with an M.S. in Public Administration. The father of three bilingual children, he uses his leadership skills to foster language skills through engaging social activity.

ヨハン・ケーウッド  役員/夏季交流

Hinoki Foundation Advisors

ひのきバイリンガル教育振興財団 顧問


Satoshi Horiguchi - Advisor
Raised in Yokosuka, Japan, Mr. Horiguchi’s passion for cultural exchange was sparked as a boy, when his parents befriended an American family. His hope is for all children to make the world their stage, through bilingual education. 

堀口智志 役員  顧問


Emi Che - Advisor
As a member of a bicultural family, an international business traveler, and a cross-cultural negotiator, Ms. Che has a firsthand understanding of the importance of bilingualism, multiculturalism, and the creation of globally-minded citizens.

チェ・恵美  顧問


Margo Mori - Advisor
A businesswoman born in Japan, now raising a family in the United States, Ms. Mori is truly a world citizen, and recognizes that the future of our children depends on bridging cultures and respecting one another.

森 まるご  顧問

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