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Advocacy of Japanese-English Bilingualism

Michigan Seal of Biliteracy for High School Students

The Michigan Seal of Biliteracy, added to high school diplomas, recognizes high school graduates who exhibit language proficiency in English and at least one additional world language, such as Japanese. 

Hinoki Foundation is approved by the Michigan Department of Education to recommend students for this honor! For details, please contact us or review these requirements. English brochure. Japanese brochure

Students seeking to earn the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy can demonstrate their Japanese language proficiency through one of the tests listed here. English language proficiency can be demonstrated by completion of 11th grade English courses or a standardized test like the SAT.  


Support & Consultation Services

Japanese-English bilingualism opens doors, and Hinoki Foundation is there to help. 

Event Support and Consultation 

Hinoki Foundation assists with presentations, cultural festivals, field trips, game activities, tutoring, and other events that encourage practice of the target languages.

Japanese Program Assistance

Hinoki Foundation offers advice on starting, maintaining, or improving Japanese programs, within private, traditional-public, and charter schools. We can assist with grant applications, human-resource placement, and program advertising, utilizing our media platforms and relationship networks. Major grants are available to schools starting new Japanese programs. Ask us

Parent, Teacher, and Researcher Resources

Our team includes teacher-trainers, educational researchers, language specialists, and experts in Japanese and American culture - all ready to share their expertise. 

Click here for a report on the status of Japanese education in Michigan (2019). 

Click here for a report on online & global resources for Japanese education (2019). 

Click here for an article titled Promoting Cross-Cultural Learning, postedd on the website Asia Matters For America and written by a Hinoki Foundation director (2020). 

Click here for the abstract of a presentation on the Hinoki PILOT program for developing online educators of Japanese (2021). (Online Japanese Language Teaching as a Catalyst for Student Teachers to Grow as Lifelong Learners)

Support for Visiting Scholars, Educators, Volunteer Interns

Hinoki Foundation provides logistical support for Japanese teachers, scholars, volunteer interns, and other visitors who are researching or assisting local Japanese programs. 

Click here to contact a Hinoki Foundation outreach representative. 

Click here for a Hinoki Foundation Brochure.

Click here for other organizations related to Japanese education.

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