Center for Language Education & Research (East Lansing, MI) - The Center for Language Education & Research (CLEAR) offers workshops for language teachers. Visit: CLEAR
Teacher-Certification Institutions - The Michigan Department of Education (MDOE) maintains a list of universities approved to offer certification programs for teaching Japanese in Michigan's public schools. Visit: Certification
Japanese Teachers Association of Michigan (JTAM) - JTAM is an affiliate group of the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ). Serving all of Michigan, JTAM sponsors professional-development activities for grade K-16 teachers, and competitive opportunities for grade K-16 students of Japanese. Visit: JTAM
Hinoki Foundation PILOT - The Hinoki Foundation Practicum in International Leadership in Online Teaching (PILOT) is a free online teacher-education program for language teachers, providing hands-on opportunity to develop teaching skills under the tutelage of professional instructors and educators. (Program timing varies). See: PILOT.
Language-Assessment Programs
Resources for Assessing Bilingual Skills
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) -ACTFL offers testing called the Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL), which assesses student ability in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in foreign languages (including Japanese). See AAPPL.
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