Hinoki Cup

Japanese-English Bilingual Quiz Game

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Congratulations to Team Orange for Winning the 2024 Hinoki Cup!
2nd: Place Team Red
3rd Place: Team Brown
Yell Contest Winners (Tie):
Team White & Team Green

Special thanks to The Japan Foundation Los Angeles and our round sponsors for their financial support! 

Hinoki Cup is a bilingual quiz game for 3rd- to 9th-graders, who are either native or non-native learners of Japanese and English. It gives young students an exciting venue to demonstrate their language ability and boost their motivation to continue study of both languages.

Hinoki Cup uses a "Jeopardy style" approach, where participants can select the difficulty of their questions, and contribute to their team regardless of language ability level. Questions and answers mix Japanese and English, thereby testing knowledge of both languages

Held annually, the Hinoki Cup "Legends of Language" competition is open to viewing by families and the public.

Click here for simplified game rules (English). 

Click here for general information on this year's Hinoki Cup. 

Click here to register your student.

Click here for the Event Schedule, and here for map to venue. 

Click here for a detailed participant package (purpose, rules, schedule).

Click here for the game-day room assignments & team match-ups. 

Click here to download color-coded team Zoom banners (for online competition).

Click here to volunteer! (Definition of Roles)



日本語、英語力のレベルは問いません! 参加対象者:3年生~9年生



Article in Japan News Club
Hinoki Cup Debut!
ひのき杯 初登場!

Photo Credit: Japan News Club

今回、初登場の企画は、非営利団体『ひのき財団』による「ひのき杯“Hinoki Cup”」 という4年生から8年生を対象にしたバイリンガルクイズ大会。90分という長い時間、日本語と英語の質問にチャレンジしてチームごとのポイントを積み重ねて、賞品をもらえる形式で、「日本語力・英語力はどんなレベルでもOK!」と謳っていた通り、早い者勝ちではなく順番に、生徒自身が問題の難易度を選べることができ、皆に解答とチャレンジの機会が設けられていた。日本語学習歴(年数)の制限は無く、日本語が継承言語でも良いため、日本人の子供の参加もOK。予め公募が行われ、今回の応募者はミシガン州内11校から24人。バイリンガル能力を発揮する場となった。会場の部屋を飛び出して、見知らぬ訪問者に好きな食べ物などを尋ねてサインを集めるゲームもあり、生き生きと動き回る姿もあった。

出典:Japan News Clubの記事

...This year, nonprofit organization Hinoki Foundation held its first-ever "Hinoki Cup," a bilingual quiz game for 4th to 8th graders. In an extended 90-minute session, teams competed to earn points - and prizes - by answering questions in English and Japanese. Billed as "Any Level of English/Japanese Ability Is OK!," each student selected the difficulty of question, taking turns instead of rushing to hit a buzzer, so everyone had a chance to answer. There were no limits on Japanese experience (years of study), so even native and heritage Japanese speakers could participate. Teams were formed in advance, and 24 students from 11 schools came to exhibit their bilingual skills. After, students could be seen excitedly running about interviewing other event visitors about their favorite foods, etc., as part of a signature-collection game....


Feedback on Hinoki Cup from a Japanese Teacher 

"My students enjoyed the Hinoki Cup so much! I like the idea that everyone is a winner. They were able to test their language skills, but without the pressure and stress that some competitions have."
-- Ms. Harumi Cooper, Berkshire Middle School, Birmingham, MI

Hinoki Cup focuses on building bilingual ability in a fun way - no matter where the student is starting from!

Japan News Club Article on 2021 Hinoki Cup is here (page 3)!
Japan News Club Article on 2023 Hinoki Cup is here (page 4)!

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